Top 5 Leadership Philosophy Examples to Understand Easily

Leadership is a tricky subject. It’s something that most people take on in many different ways, whether it be at work or home life. But regardless of what type of leader you are and how many other followers there may be, your leadership philosophy stems from your personal views about the world around you- specifically yourself as a person with specific skill sets and beliefs.

To establish this philosophy for yourself requires some reflection, to examine who we indeed are inside our heads before coming out into society where everything can get complicated quickly!

Leader Phylosophy Examples

A leadership philosophy should represent one’s most authentic self: strengths & weaknesses alike while still possessing integrity by being honest with themselves rather than perfecting their image through dishonest means such as lying to others.

When you have a proper understanding of yourself and your strengths, you reflect excellent leadership philosophy. It means looking inward at what makes you who you are, not outward to the people around us for direction or approval. Genuine self-reflection requires honesty about our weaknesses and being proud that we are different from others in some ways, and discovering which qualities make up our unique identity over time.

Many of us take on roles as leaders in different capacities, but regardless if you are a leader at work or home, your leadership philosophy is very personal. You need clarity and depth to create one that allows for contemplation and honest introspection about the type of leader you want to be.

Definition of Leadership Philosophy?

Your leadership philosophy is a state of mind, but it should also be a written statement, something you can refer to when you need encouragement. Anytime life throws us into an uncertain situation or we’re feeling down and out, our philosophies are there as reminders for what’s most important.

You might manage 100 people in the workforce or lead your family through difficult times – after all, leaders come in many forms:

  • Coaches are leading their teams on the field.
  • Teachers are watching over students at school.
  • Volunteers are working hard to make change happen within communities.

A good leadership philosophy doesn’t have to be complicated; it should just reflect your personality and the values you hold dear.

Leader Phylosophy Examples

Importance of a Philosophy

I believe forming our leadership philosophy is essential to ensure the success of a company. I’ll tell you why it’s so crucial in just two words:


We have a philosophy that helps us stay aligned with our mission over time. I’ve found in my experience, the duration of an organizational change can vary depending on team size and scope. Regardless of how long it takes to make changes happen, we must remember why we started this journey and remain true to ourselves day-in-day-out to avoid getting discouraged when things don’t go according to plan or take longer than expected.

Leader Self-Awareness:

A leader’s philosophy guides the actions that allow the individual to learn their natural blind spots to become aware of them and make changes accordingly. This may happen by bringing in others who have complementary strengths to fill those lacking within themselves as a person with an authentic leadership style.

The clarity in Action & Priorities:

Leaders first need to know what they are doing and why, or else the organization will be in chaos. By clarifying our behaviors with a clear purpose, we can make sure that all of these actions serve a meaningful purpose for us and those around us. For example: if you run an organization’s social media account but don’t have any clarity on your behavior or its meaning, it is likely unclear how this role benefits anyone involved. Both parties should clarify their roles and responsibilities before moving forward from there.

Provides a Reflective Guide:

I’ve found that reflecting on your experience is a helpful tool for assessing what you might be struggling with. For example, when I ask myself the question, “did I happen to command today or did command happen to me?” it can help guide my reflection and determine where needed adjustments.

Examples of leadership philosophy?

You can always find a leader to emulate. But what if you’re not looking for someone older than yourself or of the same gender? That’s when leadership philosophy examples prove invaluable as they allow leaders to see how others have coped with different situations and adjust their philosophies accordingly.

Do your best work by reviewing other people’s ideas to craft your strategy.

Examples List of leadership philosophy examples

Leadership philosophies differ based on the type of leadership used. Democratic leaders, for example, rely on a different framework and philosophy than autocratic ones. Use these examples to help you define your path in life:

  • Autocratic leadership philosophy
  • Democratic leadership philosophy
  • Strategic leadership philosophy
  • Transformational leadership philosophy
  • Transactional leadership philosophy
  • Laissez-faire leadership philosophy

Autocratic leadership philosophy

Autocratic leadership is characterized by one person’s decisions and implementation power. The team members are there to execute the leader’s plans without any consultation during decision-making processes.

I believe that autocracy benefits me because it will allow for swift action stemming from a single vision and inspire loyalty through my authority over projects or tasks.

Leader Phylosophy Examples

Democratic leadership philosophy

When it comes to democracy, I believe in a people-centered approach. A leader should take all decisions with input from the team and opinions valued equally. Leaders should never stray too far away from their teams’ ideas or needs without exploring them first; after all, we’re working towards one common goal here! As such, I’ll make sure that everyone is treated kindly as they participate in this process, not just me but also those who come up with solutions different than mine (even if differently suggests an idea which may have been considered before).

Strategic leadership philosophy

Strategic leadership is a complex process that requires the leader to balance their high-level executive responsibilities with more personal oversight of teams. A strategic leader maintains individual responsibility for an organization’s executives, but they always offer guidance and structure on how things are done when executing team tasks.

Transformational leadership philosophy

Transforming leadership is a lifelong process. Transformational leaders are always looking for ways to improve the work product they produce and develop new practices that will better serve their team in achieving success. It’s not just about establishing goals but constantly evolving them as well!

Transactional leadership philosophy

Transactional leadership is a system of motivation that relies on rewards and punishments. Leaders establish pre-determined prizes or incentives for their team depending on whether they meet goals, then give them the space to complete projects with these motivations in mind.

Laissez-faire leadership philosophy

Laissez-faire leadership is an approach that gives equal power to the team and their leader. Leaders often provide little guidance instead of allowing teams to work in a way they feel comfortable with.

Instead of managing day-to-day operations, leaders focus on high-level matters like strategy or growth initiatives for the company and strengthen relationships between employees within departments by encouraging collaboration through group activities outside of working hours.

Writing Your Leadership Philosophy Statement

Leadership is a field that has many different philosophies and ideas. You should feel empowered to take some of these leadership philosophies from other people you admire or have the same experience as yourself and combine them into your unique style. Brainstorm what would be an appropriate name for this new philosophy – What did you come up with? Why did it inspire such feelings within yourself?

Leadership philosophies are specific to the person and their environment, but there is a set of questions people can ask themselves when writing their philosophy. By answering these questions for yourself, you’ll be able to create an authentic leadership philosophy that reflects who you are personally and what’s going on in different situations at work.

The Bottom Line

You should be able to accomplish the right decisions, responses, and actions in every situation. Your leadership philosophy is a fundamental part of your life, as you need it when dealing with issues or opportunities that arise. If it’s clear, concise, and principle-based, there will be transformational potential embedded within this statement!